

Karos is a court-voiturage® service offering shared home-work drives integrated with public transport networks.

Strategy, Branding, Communication, UX

Day 01

Brand positioning, values and mission

Day 02

Baseline et Brand messages

Day 03

Logo Design

Day 04

Storytelling, Snack-Content ideation

Day 05

UX, and bot's conversational strategy


Karos is a multimodal home-work court-voiturage® platform. Their smart solution connects passengers and drivers according to their journeys and schedules to provide the best possible home-work transport solution. As Karos comes from the word «carrosse» (carriage), we chose to exploit the world of fairytales to express the benefits of the service and the magic of the technology behind it.

Advertising Campagne

Beyond the logo, we developed our concept across all types media. We designed a campaign for passengers and drivers, with targeted messages for each of them. The crown was used to valorise the user while the body highlighted all the perceived benefits, leveraging the lexical field of magic to ensure the continuity of the storytelling.

Video Storyboarding

We also developed 3 mini-films. Each story was designed to demonstrate the simplicity and proof of the Karos service, thanks to which every problem finds a solution - as if by magic!

User Experience

We reinterpreted the user journey by using the new brand platform concept too. During the registration process, you are now introduced to Oskar, Karos' avatar – a symbol of the the solution's intelligence. Beyond an opportunity for Oskar to present himself, the registration process allows our avatar to gather all the information needed to configure the application while demonstrating its advantages.

Brand Book

To empower the Karos team, we provided them with a Brand Book complete with the brand's vision, personality and our creative and editorial recommendations for their communications.


Branding, UX, Communication



Strategy, Branding, Communication


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Ensemble, en 5 jours, donnons un visage à votre projet !

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